About Us

We Have A Friendly & Familiar Campus For You

The student centered for all activities of the institution is the basic philosophy of proposed Gyan Sagar College of Education. Various stake holders such as students, parents and teachers will be motivated for maintaining 100% attendance. The student’s feedback will be obtained on pre-coded questionnaire with the help of liker scale.

The data so collected will be compiled and made available to faculty for introspection purpose. System of evaluation by peers will be implemented for faculty members. Faculty members will be required to get involved in research, publication, consultancy and spin off to entrepreneurship. Exposure to centers of excellence at national and international level shall be provided to teachers so as to excel in their chosen field of specialization.

Attempt will be made to establish CENTER FOR POST GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH right from inception of the college. This is mainly because PG strengthens the UG program and RESEARCH strengthens the PG. Basic as well as applied research is essential to promote activities of Educational Internship  and INDUSTRY INSTITUTE PARTNERSHIP. Hence, both type of research will be provided equal weight-age.

Teachers will be made to realize that,” Teaching is not only a bread earning job but a profession willfully accepted”.

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Hands on Research

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Detiacted to Your Success

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Classic Experience

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All graduates
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Awesome students
Imagination… What we can easily see is only a small percentage of what is possible. Logistics through innovation, dedication, and technology.

John Doe

Imagination… What we can easily see is only a small percentage of what is possible. Logistics through innovation, dedication, and technology.

Jane Doe

Business Woman
Imagination… What we can easily see is only a small percentage of what is possible. Logistics through innovation, dedication, and technology.

Richard Roe
