Students do many things. One of the most important things they do is to help build bridges. To be sure, it’s not often that Bansal Institutes are involved in building bridges in the literal sense of civil engineering, but in many ways, Bansal Institutes in particular, is all about building bridges: bridges that connect the different fields of engineering and applied science, one to another: bridges that connect basic with applied science and applied science with technology: bridges that connect questions of technology with questions of ethics, of public policy, of how societies progress and how people work and live in our new century. And bridges that connect our new school with an array of other Bansal professional activities, from business to Industry, from design to public health and beyond. And bridges that connect the university to industry and to an array of consequential challenges facing the modern large world. And bridges that connect our faculty and students and that join the very rigorous pursuit of new knowledge with education and indeed the inspiration of those who come here to learn, and who comprise the next generation constitute the next generation, of scholars and engineers. Bridges also, remind us that the word engineering derives from the same root as the word ingenuity.
Best Wishes.
Ramesh Chandra Jain

It is our firm belief that any investment in education is an investment for the future. The future of the country is nurtured in the hands of teacher fraternity. The importance of engineering education has been recognized by the great visionaries/leaders of the country like Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and lately, the impetus has been given to technical education by their successors since 1985. The present-day comfort enjoyed by masses to the tune of 90% may be attributed to the engineering excellence and constant research and development brought about in technical institutions of the country and we have come up to international standards in most of the areas of engineering and technology. The state engineering colleges are primarily the centers of excellence for all private institutions nearby to which they canape. Broadly speaking the primary function of the engineering institutions is to disseminate state of the art engineering technology for direct use on the field.
Best Wishes.
Santosh Kumar Jain

It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the respect and trust the Oriental College of Technology has built up since its inception in 2009. The unflinching commitment of the distinguished faculty and the students have led the Institute to the forefront. The sister’s concern of OIST, OCT is serving as a fertile ground for the flowering of luminous minds. We foster the spirit of learning, inculcate in our students, sense of achievement, orientation and a culture of experimentation.
With changing trends in Technology enveloping every sector global economy, OCT offers an appropriate ambiance for budding engineers.
Best Wishes.
Ritul Saraf