Grievance Redressal Process
This cell is established with an aim and objective to provide the employees an easy and readily accessible mechanism for prompt disposal of their day to day grievances.
Grievance procedure for redressal of grievances is as follows:
Complaints affecting one or more individual workers in respect of their
Payment of overtime allowance
Work assignment
Working conditions
Working hours
Work load
Settlement of terminal benefits.
Different stages for Redressal of grievances are:
First stage (section/department level):
The aggrieved employee represents his/her grievance either in person or in writing to the concerned officer in the dept, which is acknowledged. A written reply is sent to the employee under the signature of the officer/HoD within 15 days.
Second stage (Administration level):
If the employee is not satisfied, he/she may request the officer/HoD to forward his/her grievance to the grievance committee constituted at Administration level comprising the following
Concerned Head of the Department
Vice Principal
Chief Coordinator(Academics)
Along with concerned HoD, any two among the other three (b, c, and d) would address the issue/grievance and the recommendations of the grievance committee shall be communicated to the concerned employee within 15 days. A copy of the minutes of the grievance committee meeting is also supplied to the employee.
Third stage (Academic and Staff Affairs Committee):
If the employee is not satisfied with the reply given by the Grievance Committee at second stage, he/she can represent the matter to the Management at Staff Affairs Committee.
At this stage, the representation or the grievance of the employee is forwarded to the Secretary of the management committee which is often resolved by the Secretary/Chairman. If the matter cannot be resolved at this stage, then it is forwarded to the Staff Affairs Committee by the Secretary.
The representation will be disposed of at the next meeting of the Staff Affairs Committee which usually takes place once in three months.
All the officers are requested to put in their best efforts to examine and redress the genuine grievance submitted by employees at different stages expeditiously.
In case, if the employee is still not satisfied with the outcome of the Staff Affairs Committee, the issue would be taken up at the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the Management which is solely at the discretion of the Secretary of the management.