Mechanism/ Norms and Procedure for Democratic/ Good Governance Leave Rules

Leave Type

Total / Year
Max Allowed /Time
Accumulation/Carry Forward




NO They will Lapse at end of Calendar Year


As per University / Management decision subject to eligibility

Service rules for Institutions managed by GSCE Sagar

  • 1. Recruitment of employees

The Service Rules are made and applicable to all the institution employees of the Dau Motilal Chhotelal Jain Educational Society Sagar, which are Gyan Sagar College of Engineering Sagar. Vacancies arising in teaching and non teaching positions are filled by open advertisement or by an invitation or referral method or promotion by selection.

  • 2. Nature of appointment:

The initial appointment may be

  • a) On contract basis; or
  • b) On adhoc basis ; or
  • c) On regular basis
  • 3. Selection Procedure:

Constitution of selection committee:

  1. Selection committee for filling teaching posts shall be constituted by executive council of GSCE in the manner prescribed by the affiliating university from time to time.
  2. The selection committee for filling non-teaching posts shall be constituted in the manner decided by the executive council from time to time.


  1. The minimum qualification required for teaching post will be those as prescribed by the UGC/AICTE from time to time.
  2. The minimum qualification required for non – teaching posts will be those normally as required by Director of Technical Education M.P or by affiliating university and by GSCE.
  • 4. Period of Probation:

  1. The period of appointment is between one to four years.
  2. All regular appointments to posts shall ordinarily be made on probation for a period of 2 years in case of teaching staff and 2 years in the case of non-teaching staff and persons appointed to a higher post by promotion/selection shall be on probation for one year and or as may be decided by the executive council of GSCE.
  • 5. Confirmation of Services:

The orders for confirmation and regularization of services will be issued if the employee successfully completes the probation and upon satisfactory performance report or otherwise the employee shall be treated on probation.

  • 6. Services:

Every employee is responsible to discharge all services as assigned by the immediate supervisor.

  1. Every employee is liable to work in any of the institutions sponsored by GSCE.
  2. Every Regular Teaching Staff member is required to sign a service agreement with GSCE.
  • 7. Termination of Services:

The service of any employee is liable to be terminated as mentioned below:

    • a) The termination of services in respect of contractual/adhoc and regular employees will be as per the terms of their appointment respectively.
    • b) Unauthorized absence / absconding from the duty for a period more than 10 days.
    • c) The services of an employee may be terminated in case of permanent disablement resulting in his/her being unfit for service.
    • d) In the event an employee commits any criminal offences or indulge in activities which amount to moral turpitude or acting against the interests of the society and or institutions, shall be liable to be dismissed.
  • 8. Pay and Allowances:

  • For contractual and adhoc appointments, the payment will be on a consolidated amount (without other allowances).
  • For regularized posts, the pay and allowances will be as prescribed by UGC/AICTE, in the case of teaching posts, and MP State Government scales of pay in the case of non-teaching posts.
  • 9. Commitment to Institutions:

Any employee of the institutions under GSCE shall devote his/her whole time to the services of the institution and shall not engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business in any institution or any other work involving with pecuniary gains, except permitted academic work.

  • 10. Age of Super annuation:

  1. All teaching and non-teaching employees of the institutions shall retire at the age of 62 years as prescribed by Government of M.P.
  2. All last grade employees of the institutions shall retire at the age of 60 years.
  • 11. Code of conduct:

All the employees of the institutions sponsored by GSCE have to follow the Do’s and don’ts and Duties & Responsibilities appended to these service rules