The College is situated at NH-26, Narsinghpur Road, Sagar. The College is located in 10.25 Acres of land with state of art infrastructure, well equipped laboratory facilities, most modern computational facilities etc.

Computing Facility :
- Fully air-conditioned state-of-the-art computer lab, all modern operating systems with full-fledged multimedia facility
- High Speed Internet facility to Staff and Students for their academic and research requirements. The college is equipped with Wi-Fi •
- The Computing facility has around 400 computers. Central Computer Center is powered with 70 PC’s
- The programming lab (I & II) is equipped with 60 PC’s, the data structure lab has 30 PC’s • Two new labs added recently – Project lab & Software Development Lab. The project lab is equipped with 50 Pc’s powered with second generation Core HCL 260s
- All labs equipped with 4 Online UPS (10 KVA Each). The server room is powered with 2 high end servers (HCL) and medium range HCL servers, loaded with Red Hat Linux and equipped with 10 KVA Online UPS with remote monitoring.
Mr. Firoz Khan, Senior System Administrator
Mr. Amit Malviya, Co-coordinator System Administration

Library Facilities :
The college has a spacious and well furnished library with a reading room capacity for 150 students at a time. The library has a rich collection of 8500 books covering all disciplines of Engineering and Technology, Science, Humanities & Management.

Periodical Section
The library has separate periodicals section and subscribes 128 journals of which 68 National and 60 International journals. The library regularly receives journals and new sletters from reputed organizations and societies.

Reference Section :
The reference section of the library has rich collection of International editions of reference books, handbooks, conference proceedings, encyclopedia sand various reference documents.

Digital Library :
Digital Library provides online resources for students interested in Computer Assisted Learning. The Library uses e-Granthalaya over 3.0 software package, an integrated multi-user library management system that supports all in house operations of Library. The e-Granthalaya consists of modules on acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials, and OPAC. More than 4000 bibliographic records of books available in the Library can be accessed through the eGranthalaya OPAC. The database of books available in the Library is being updated on day to day basis with details of recently acquired books.
E-Library Section :
- E-LIBRARY Section of the library has facilities to view video programmes.
- NPTEL facility- a web oriented courseware, video lectures developed by various NT’s in India is available in the Library.
- Membership of DELNETE-library facility (JNU, Delhi)
Mr. Chandra Dev Singh (M.Lib.) Librarian
Hostel Facilities :
Separate hostel facilities for boys and girls are available in the college campus. Both the hostels are provided with spacious rooms and latest amenities. Caring wardens, resident Tutors and security ensures a pleasant stay, allowing students to focus on their studies well.

Transportation :
A full-fledged Transport system functions in the college with buses to provide transportation facility to students and staff from various places. This service is offered ensuring a hassle free and safe transportation.

College Canteen :
College has a spacious canteen where tasty food is available at affordable price. The canteen serves variety of delicacies as per students like to satisfy their desire for quality homely food. All the preparations and servings are done in hygienic surroundings with utmost care.

Sports & Games :
- College provides opportunities for students to participate in sports and games so as to make their stay in the college campus purposeful and enjoyable for healthy environment.
- Facilities for various games such as Football, Volleyball, judo, athletics, and indoor games like Table Tennis, Badminton and Chess are provided.
- Separate Gymnasiums with sophisticated fitness equipment are being planned to set up for men and women for improving their physical fitness.
- Students are motivated to take part in the tournaments and Annual Sports Meet and in University and Nodal Level Tournaments.
- Martial art training is provided to students for defending and offending purposes.

Other Student Facilities :
- Anti Ragging Cell
- Class Committee
- Grievance Cell

Staff Club :

Involved in coordinating the activities of common interest among the staff like celebrating festivals & conducting various programs. It facilitates cultural and academic activities among staff members of the institution.
Ancillaries :
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The college has an active Parent teacher association striving for academic quality enhancement, general campus development and student discipline.
Environment Club :
The club provides awareness on the need for environmental protection and helps to create a sense environmental ethics in all. The students have chosen the slogan for their club activities as “Nurture our nature”.

Rotaract Club :
A student chapter of Rotaract Club International provides opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and good will towards all people.
Women Empowerment Cell :

The college has established a Women Empowerment Cell in the college campus to empower girl students and to enhance understanding of issues related to women. The cell stands for facilitating women’s empowerment through guest lectures, seminars, awareness programmes and other welfare activities.